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Colorado Fishing
Colorado Fishing  
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Chad came about his fishing addiction honestly. Growing up on the beach in Jupiter Florida, one of the premier fishing areas in the state, provided Chad with the opportunity to fish daily and from an early age, it was obvious that he was destined to life in the outdoors. Moving to Colorado as a kid opened even more outdoor adventures and that sealed the deal. Jumping forward, he is now a licensed outfitter in Colorado, where he guides on Horsetooth Reservoir and Carter Lake. Known as "Fishful Thinker� and guiding under that name (Outfitter #2414), Chad is constantly expanding his fishing company. In addition to guiding, Chad is the host of Fishful Thinker TV on Altitude Sports Channel, segment and guest host on FM102.3 ESPN Outdoors, columnist for Sportsman's News, seminar speaker, photographer, and teacher of all things fishing. Chad is a light tackle artificial lure specialist for a variety of fresh and salt water fish. Species to his credit include tarpon, snook, redfish, peacock bass, grouper, shark, permit, barracuda, and just about everything that swims in Colorado. Outside of fishing, Chad is a CSU alumni that loves to hunt, cook, and travel.

Chad's Articles


Chad's Photo Gallery

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