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Colorado Fishing
Colorado Fishing  
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Barker Reservoir
Located at the top of Boulder Canyon Barker Reservoir is the primary municipal water supply for the City of Boulder. Barker is primarily known for its stocked Rainbow Trout population. Public fishing is limited to the North and West shorelines.
Peterson Lake (Nederland)
Lake Isabelle - IPWA
You'll likely have a few non-angling visitors at this lake, but it's a great place to target some cruising fish. Located in Indian Peaks Wilderness Area.
Arapahoe Lakes - JPWA
3 trout lakes in the James Peak Wilderness
Betty Lake - IPWA
Located in Indian Peaks Wilderness Area, Betty has cutthroats that are catchable a little earlier in the season compared to nearby waters.
Bob Lake - IPWA
Bob Lake fishes much like its partner, Betty Lake, both in the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area
Forest Lakes - JPWA
Set of trout lakes in James Peak Wilderness
James Peak Lake - JPWA
Cutthroat lake in the James Peak Wilderness
Jenny Lake (Bldr Cty)
Trout lake located in Roosevelt National Forest
King Lake - IPWA
King Lake is guarded by the high ridge line of the Continental Divide, located in Indian Peaks Wilderness, providing spectacular scenery with a dramatic backdrop.
Lost Lake (Roosevelt NF)
Lost Lake, located in Roosevelt National Forest, isn't so lost as the name would suggest.
Rainbow Lakes - IPWA
Set of lakes in the Indian Peaks Wilderness
Silver Lake
Private lake operated by the City of Boulder, closed to public access. Lake page is inactive.
Operation Game Thief
Call to report illegal fishing/hunting:
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