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Anti-Troutite, not really

Guest Blog by: Jeff Wagner aka "DH Fly Fishing" - Guest Blogger
3/14/2021 (Return to blogs)
Being my first blog, here and anywhere else, I felt it would be fitting to go the heart of the matter. The matter, of course, being warm water fly fishing and the link to the fly fishing industry, or should I say the lack of connection with the fly fishing industry. It seems that the fly fishing industry revolves around trout, the flies, the rods, the reels, and the guides. At the risk of being misunderstood as an anti-troutite I should probably explain. Trout are amazing fish and live in some of the most beautiful waters in the world, waters of crystal clear, bitter cold and the lifeline of the mountains and anywhere those waters flow. Historically fly fisherman fished for all species. In the U.S. Northeast chub, bass, and pickerel were sought after. In Britain many species of "minnows" were the query.

It would be my opinion that fly fisherman are those that use fly and fly rod, of which we will leave the definition of fly for another discussion. The case being that all species are worth seeking in the noblest of fishing mannerisms. The fly fishing industry and all of its components could benefit from embracing warm water fly fishing. The trout fisheries would undergo less pressure if more fly fisherman were concentrated on warm water. If the fly fishing community did not hold up trout as the holy grail of fish, giving the fisherman only one option, to pursue trout, beginning and seasoned anglers alike may be more apt to pursue a carp on the prowl for crayfish or a walleye cruising the shallows for a midnight mayfly snack. The manufacturers and retailers would also gain from this pursuit, producing another segment of the fly fishing community.

Fly fishing is fly fishing, the species does not matter. But if you really want to expand your fly fishing horizons pursue a multitude of species over the course of the year. Walleye, pike, perch, largemouth and smallmouth bass, crappie, and even catfish are all worthy. And in so doing you may find more and possibly larger trout the next time you are on your favorite stream. That is if you go back!
Jeff Wagner is a professional fly fisherman in every sense. As a Master Certified Fly Casting Instructor with the Federation of Fly Fishers, Redington Pro Staff member, Competition Fly Caster and Fly Fisher, and writer he has established himself as a leader in the industry. He has caught a vast array of species on fly from catfish and pike in the depths of warmwater lakes, to the trout in high Alpine lakes.
Blog content © Jeff Wagner
04.16.07 3:11 PM
I couldn't agree more on warm water fishing, Jeff. I grew up in the Midwest, and cut my fishing teeth on bluegill and stream smallmouth. Out here, white bass are a kick on spinning tackle but they're dynamite on a fly rod. Anything you can tell us about fly fishing for Colorado bass or any other species would be much appreciated.

About the Author

Jeff Wagner"DH Fly Fishing" - Guest Blogger

Jeff Wagner is a professional fly fisherman in every sense. As a Master Certified Fly Casting Instructor with the Federation of Fly Fishers, Redington Pro Staff member, Competition Fly Caster and Fly Fisher, and writer he has established himself as a leader in the industry. He has caught a vast array of species on fly from catfish and pike in the depths of warmwater lakes, to the trout in high Alpine lakes.

