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WG Gifts and Art

Blog by: Matt Snider 12/9/2023 (Return to blogs)
Part of Series: Winter Giveaway
We have a whole assortment of goodies that you can win in the Winter Giveaway that are not really fishing, camping, or boating-specific but instead fun and purposeful. I love having artists and homegrown items in the WG, and this year is no exception. So if you love coffee, have a dog, lose stuff, or need to up your drinkware game, these partners will fulfill your needs!

Cups Coffee
This one is near and dear to my heart, our family shop on the west side of Fort Collins.  While you'll often find me in sipping coffee or grabbing a toasty croissant breakfast sandwich, you'll most often be greeted by my wife, the face of the shop.  And she's agreed to once again team up with me to offer a unique prize in the WG this year. Thanks honey!  Get your bean fix along with a variety of other coffee shop items and FishExplorer swag. Next time you're in the area swing by and say hi.  Visit the Cups website, visit on Facebook, and follow on Instagram

Derek DeYoung Studio
You probably have seen Derek's artwork.  It's on cartop rod tubes, it's on fly reels, it's on coolers - it is even on downhill skis - and it makes our world a better place.  I am so happy to have DeYoung Studio on board with our event again this year!  This year you can win a sweet package including a set of rocks glasses, a fly box, and hat.  I can picture you now, sipping your favorite beverage in a DeYoung hat tying flies for your new box, sitting by the fire, singing songs while your trusty four-legged friend snuggles close by.  Heck, that's going to be my goal this holiday season to do just that.  See all the cool stuff he has in addition to his original artwork on the website and keep up with him on Facebook and Instagram

I know you lose things sometimes.  Sometimes it is valuable and sometimes not.  But it happens, and we never can plan for it, it just happens. Big thanks to Karmik for joining us again with their novel solution to this problem. You will win a set of QR code decals, you can place them on anything you want, and register them on the Karmik website for free. If someone finds your gear (for instance that boat toolbox I left west of Walden this year) and wants to find the owner, they can simply scan the code and find you - receiving a reward from Karmik if they want. I should've put one on that toolbox.  Anyone see it?  Anyway, I love this concept and so glad that they're partnering again with us. Find out more on their website, on Facebook, and on Instagram

Nite Ize
Based out of Boulder, CO, Nite Ize has all sorts of clever and useful gadgets, and as I mentioned in our newcomers blog you probably have seen it all over the place in stores near you.  Perhaps the cutest feature photo of the contest, this is a surprise pack that includes a few things for your dog and your camping trips. Thank Nite Ize for partnering with us this year to offer this package - visit their website, visit them on Facebook, and follow them on Instagram

Win one of these by entering the Winter Giveaway!

And if you still have not checked out all that the FxR+ subscription offers, now is a good time to think about subscribing.  We would love to have your support and want you to catch more fish, which of course is what will happen.  Win win!
DeYoung Studio
Blog content © Matt Snider

About the Author

Matt Snider is a lifelong fly fisherman who has turned his attention to the "other species" of Colorado, namely any non-trout species. Having caught multiple warmwater species in Colorado on the fly in Colorado, Matt built FishExplorer as a means for anglers to maintain updated lake conditions, an element he finds critical in catching fish and enjoying our resources. An advocate of alternative fly fishing and fisheries preservation, Matt is an avid wiper and muskie fisherman traveling with boat in tow in pursuit of these hard-to-find fish. If a fish is willing to eat something, his bet is that it will eat a fly...

