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Happy Birthday FishExplorer!

Blog by: Matt Snider 4/21/2023
17 years ago this week we launched FishExplorer. Our team, catalog of fisheries, members, friends, and contributions have grown immensely over these years.  I cannot thank you enough for all your support.

Whether you are new to FishExplorer, have been with us all these years, or fall somewhere in between I hope you've drawn at least a little benefit from the platform, and that your fishing has improved because of it - or at least your appreciation of fishing. I know I have.

Birthday wishes for FishExplorer at age 17:

Grow the Editor Team
We have a wonderful team of editors. Maintaining information on 800+ bodies of water is a difficult task. Growing this team is number one on my list.  Join our Skipper team today for a lake/river near you. We are also looking to fill two Regional Editor spots for the south- and north-central mountains. Contact me if you are interested.

Keep the Lake/River pages Current
As you peruse our "living catalog" of fisheries, inform us if there are any changes that need to be made - especially things like fee changes, regulation changes, access changes, camping, etc. Contact us with details, we are always grateful to receive this sort of feedback.  Click the Skipper or Regional Editor for the lake/river on the page below the conditions reports to contact them. Or use our general admin contact form if none are listed. 

Update Conditions
The icons on the lake map are color coded based on current known conditions.  As the days pass, the status goes out of date and the color changes to green - meaning we are unsure of the current conditions.  There's a quick and simple fix, submitting a status update. Go to the lake page, click the Submit Report button, and choose from the available options in the Status box, and click submit.

Do this as often as you want - but be accurate. Nothing wrong with submitting a lake status as "open water" every week all summer.  Doing so you gain points for more entries in the Winter Giveaway and/or a subscription discount. And it keeps all those icons from going green, my least favorite on the map.

For more points you can always elaborate in the general "Notable Conditions and Observations" box.

Support via Subscription
If most of the icons on the lake map are purple, that means you have a lot more in store for you if you get a FishExplorer FxR+ subscription. While the number one priority I have for this project is to grow our team of people contributing, it still takes money to run.  If you benefit from FishExplorer, please show your support via subscription.  Doing so nixes website ads and further supports your fishing addiction in a big manner as the subscription unlocks all sorts of additional features and information. Win win.

To sweeten the deal, there are two FxR+ discount codes included in the email newsletter going out today. Check that out. If you don't receive the email newsletter you can opt-in here

That's it, I'll get off my soap box now and you can get back to fishing. Thank you again for all your years of involvement with FishExplorer.  Enjoy your spring fishing despite the wild swings in the weather. Just bundle up, be careful, and set some hooks!
Blog content © Matt Snider
Blog Comments
ColoradoRay, 4/21/2023 7:55:38 PM
Well Happy Birthday FxR. Time sure does fly by.
ND Transplant, 4/22/2023 8:26:50 AM
Happy Birthday! Thanks for creating all of this Matt! I've met some of my best fishing buddies here.
SGM, 4/22/2023 9:43:17 AM
Happy Birthday and here’s to many more.
Goosehunter82, 4/23/2023 9:46:08 AM
Happy birthday! This is one of the best sites out there for real lake conditions. Thanks Matt!
ELVIS, 4/23/2023 1:50:35 PM
Happy 17th Birthday FxR. Thank you for all of the hard work that you do. Much appreciated . And many more birthday's to celebrate. Thank you Matt !!
Lov2fish, 4/24/2023 1:01:29 PM
A great site! I also have met some great fishing buddies here. Much appreciated.
eholm, 4/24/2023 8:55:46 PM
Happy BD FXR! Keep it going Matt!
Matt Snider (Matt), 4/25/2023 10:03:21 AM
Thanks everyone! Me when we started: brand new baby girl. Me now: readers. Here's to another 17.
HeavyC, 5/5/2023 10:18:53 PM
Saweet!! HC Out!
skiman, 5/29/2023 6:19:29 PM
Nice! Happy birthday 🎂!
Ajax5240, 5/29/2023 9:32:06 PM
Happy birthday!! Glad to have been part of it as long as I have!!
johnski, 7/13/2023 6:24:37 AM
Its been a wonderful journey....look forward to many more years of sharing info and learning.
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