Conditions reports for this lake are available when logged in. Last Conditions Report for Silverwood Lake: 02.07.17
Silverwood Lake on FishExplorer has 15 historic conditions reports, 12 historic water temperature updates, 16 historic status updates, 12 historic water level updates, available to subscribers.
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Silverwood has 13 miles of shoreline and reaches to a depth of 166 feet. The lake attracts a lot of traffic due to its proximity to San Bernardino.The main part of the lake south of the dam has a 35mph speed limit for all boats. There is a 175 boat quota per day and reservations are required to launch boats on summer weekends and holidays. This lake has a reputation for very large Striped Bass.... Log infor additional details...
Getting there:
From CA Parks website: The park is located via Highway 138, 11 miles east of I-15 or 20 miles north of San Bernardino via Highways 18 & 138.