Post By: Flyrodn Posted: 5/12/2017 10:15:42 AMPoints: 184622
Today will make my 28th day running of fishing, a full month. Looks like I'll make five week without issue, but after that I've a road trip to Kansas and Missouri. It'll be interesting to see if I can coordinate my travels to keep the streak alive.
Reply by: culinarypunk Posted: 5/16/2017 7:33:46 AM Points: 84487
I'm at a week without getting out, but, i did make it to the dirt track races and thats as good as fishing for me! with the cold front this week and a new born i will probably wait another week to get back on the water!
Reply by: Flyrodn Posted: 5/17/2017 8:38:36 AM Points: 184622
When I was young, raising kids, and what not, I did good to fish every week. Although, I'll admit, Sue, my loving wife, recognized how much fishing met to me and we made the effort to allow time for me to fish a bit most weekends.
Looking forward to retiring in a year, then fishing most days will be a lot easier, especially in the winter when I can avoid the snow crusted sections of the country.