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Three weeks of consecutive day fishing

Post By: Flyrodn      Posted: 5/5/2017 2:31:04 PM     Points: 184622    
A while back I mused about what it would take to fish 365 days, a full year, in a row. Daily if you will. So I got started on this, and with today's outing I've managed to fish 21 days in a row, three weeks. I look to be able to do it for another two weeks for sure, then I've a trip to Kansas and Missouri. While I typically fish on trips, doing it on road days will be a bit more challenging.

What's your run?
 Reply by: culinarypunk      Posted: 5/8/2017 6:44:03 AM     Points: 84487
glad to hear your streak is still going.

when my dad pasted away in 2008 i fished everyday before work and every day off of work for 2 months. it was the only thing that kept me going. now i try to fish once a week and thats hard!
