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California Fishing Clubs: Bass Classics of Santa Clara Valley

contact_pageMike Espinola
phone_iphone(510) 353-9400
Established in 1974, the Bass Classics of Santa Clara Valley is one of the oldest active clubs in Northern California. Located in Santa Clara, California, the club is affiliated with the Black Bass Action Committee. Club membership is open to both boaters and non-boaters.

The club prides itself primarily as a teaching club and offers very low cost (~$20, including options, plus half of the cost of fuel, camping and launch fees) monthly tournaments on local lakes. These tournaments are a draw format where boaters are paired with non-boaters and fish on an individual basis and are used as the primary teaching vehicle. Boaters are paired with different non-boaters each month. This allows everyone to learn and improve upon their angling skills. Partners learn from each other different techniques that, perhaps, each are not familiar with or about the bodies of water that they are fishing.

The club is an active participant with the Black Bass Action Committee (B.B.A.C.) on black bass restoration projects and various political action endeavors to improve and protect the sport of bass fishing. The Bass Classics are proud to have two long-time members (Don Reighley & George Hawley) serving as Directors for the B.B.A.C.
