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Fishing in Mammoth Lakes, CaliforniaSee fishing near other California towns and cities.

Convict Lake
Convict Lake has scenery and recreational opportunities second to none. The contrasting environments of high desert, lush forests and lake-studded mountains put the area in a class by itself. A go-to place for any trout fisherman.
Crowley Lake
Crowley Lake is located off Hwy 395 in the Eastern Sierra. Known for being an incredible fishery, Crowley offers big trout fishing in a great setting. Fishing typically starts the last Saturday in April and lasts until the middle of November.
Lake Mary
Located just south of the city of Mammoth Lakes, Lake Mary is a great place to fish for huge rainbows. The town loads Mary and her brothers up with fish each season.
Twin Lakes (Mammoth Lakes)
Twin Lakes near the town of Mammoth Lakes is a popular paddling lake that is fairly shallow and sees a lot of vegetation growth. It is a good trout fishery receiving regular plantings from the CA DFG.
Hot Creek
Hot Creek, named for the hot springs found along its bank could be called a smaller version of the Firehole River in Yellowstone. Originating at the confluence of Mammoth Creek and a spring creek just below the town of Mammoth Lakes and flowing towards Lake Crowley and the Owens River, Hot Creek is a fly fishers paradise. Whether you stay and cam
