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WG Discount Codes for FishExplorer Members Now Available

Blog by: Matt Snider , CO 12/1/2021 (Return to blogs)
It is December already. Three more weeks and the days will begin to get longer! That's my uplifting thought of the day for you.  But wait - there's more!  And it isn't a set of steak knives.

I just posted a page for the 2021 discount codes from our Winter Giveaway partners.  These are promotional codes set up for us FishExplorer members you can use on our WG partners' online shopping sites. Many of these have varying discount levels based on whether you are a guest member, a subscriber, or a Skipper/Admin. Each has its own expiration date, so pay attention to that.

Now that I realize we are 100% definitely in December, I am vowing to get gifts for friends and loved ones early, and simply enjoy the remainder of this lovely 2021.  If you're the same, I hope these discount codes assist you!

Thanks to participants in this year's discount program!
Alpinecho, Angler Aid, Deeper Sonar, frogg toggs, Gobi Heat, Monic Fly Fishing, Mountain Khakis, Outdoor Element, Pale Blue and Sidas/Therm-ic!

Blog content © Matt Snider
12.04.21 12:35 PM
Many thanks to everyone!! Love me some Winter Giveaway!! HC Out!

About the Author

Matt Snider is a lifelong fly fisherman who has turned his attention to the "other species" of Colorado, namely any non-trout species. Having caught multiple warmwater species in Colorado on the fly in Colorado, Matt built FishExplorer as a means for anglers to maintain updated lake conditions, an element he finds critical in catching fish and enjoying our resources. An advocate of alternative fly fishing and fisheries preservation, Matt is an avid wiper and muskie fisherman traveling with boat in tow in pursuit of these hard-to-find fish. If a fish is willing to eat something, his bet is that it will eat a fly...

