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Anti Depressants In Fish Brains Found

Blog by: Lloyd Tackitt , TX 9/3/2017
This study suggests that anti depressants are entering water ways via sewage treatment plants.  It is hard to find any waterways that do not have treated sewage released into them upstream at some point.  So while this is specific to where the study was conducted it is just as likely to be where you fish as well.

Blog content © Lloyd Tackitt
Blog Comments
Dave Mauldin, 9/3/2017 1:16:22 PM
Good to know, I was beginning to think my fish were getting depressed, since they have not bit good for me lately. (Sorry, couldn't resist)
Hawaiian Punch, 9/3/2017 3:21:26 PM
When I was a kid,we played in the water,drank the water and never had a problem,same goes for the dirt . . .never got sick .Any more,its illegal,immoral,fatting or causes cancer. I'll take my chances.
skiman, 9/5/2017 6:18:10 PM
Lloyd, I imagine antidepressants aren't the only things found in our waters! My guess is there are more contaminants like heavy metals, industrial waste and more pharmaceuticals then you can shake a stick at. Sometimes it's better if you don't know what's in the water you fish. At least with antidepressants, the fish are happy! 😝
Pathway, 9/6/2017 7:20:34 AM
A larger problem my be birth control substances. It seems to make fish hermaphrodites.
