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The Start To My New Lineup

Guest Blog by: Joshua Christensen aka "BeastModeVet" - Guest Blogger
1/14/2012 (Return to blogs)

Today I received a present in the mail from a close fishing buddy. The mystery jigs are new to the scene in the long lineup of jig producing companies. Today it is hard for a company to come up with newly designed jigs, however I think in the case of jigs, why try to change a proven lure design? And at what point does the change take it away from it being a jig? 

First thing that I noticed is that each lure is hand made and time is taken on detail with the paint that is on the indestructible side of tough. I have been told that during testing the paint didn't initially standup to beating against rocks (that has been corrected), and the results have been perfect. Made with Mustad and Trokar hooks, these jigs were made for heavy lifting. 

Naturally the designer had to implicate the California rule and appeal to the masses of toads that it's meant to wrangle in by creating a custom color design that I have not personally seen in the bottom dragging world of skirted jigs. Enter the Rainbow Trout! A California largemouth bass favorite. 

I am a big advocate for bottom dragging, personally I just don't use spinners. Consequently I am a jig collector and cannot wait to add more of these to my lineup. As a tester for these I have the unique privilege of adding input to their design, so rest assured they will by the end of their design process have a California and Texas fish seal of approval.

If you think that you have jigs as good as they come, wait till you experience these toad wranglers. It's a difference you can feel!

For updates on these new lures and videos visit my video blog at

Tight Lines,
Joshua "Kayak" Christensen
Rainbow Trout for the big California bass using a Mustad hook
Green Pumpkin Blue with a Trokar hook
The lineup
Joshua Christensen has been fishing since the age of three, always honing his skills towards bass fishing in both fresh and salt water. His passion for the sport of fishing is only surpassed by his passion for doing it by sit on top kayak. In addition to the work he does with Fish Explorer, Joshua is also the host of Beast Mode Outdoors on You Tube.
Blog content © Joshua Christensen

About the Author

Joshua Christensen"BeastModeVet" - Guest Blogger

Joshua Christensen has been fishing since the age of three, always honing his skills towards bass fishing in both fresh and salt water. His passion for the sport of fishing is only surpassed by his passion for doing it by sit on top kayak. In addition to the work he does with Fish Explorer, Joshua is also the host of Beast Mode Outdoors on You Tube.

